I haven't fallen off the face of the earth but I have had an extremely busy little business operating which has taken all my time, I barely have time to read any blogs anymore :(
The Christmas and New Years break was pretty great, I had 2 weeks off and did a whole lot of eating, mostly primal but my fair share of non primal foods. Luckily for me I didn't gain and managed to maintain really easily which is incredible considering I didn't monitor my food intake much at all.
Last week I got back to the gym after the indulgent period and could hardly move for a couple of days after some weight training, feels great though, nothing like massaging a sore muscle LOL
Weight is at 65.3kg so pretty stoked with that. It did fluctuate a little over the break and I think most of it was water when I had eaten the nasty carbs, all my clothes still fit me the same so that's an interesting observation.
Anyway just wanted to check in and say hi to you all, bear with me, I am still here just running short on time to post as often as I used to.