Life changing!

Friday, November 22, 2013

The pictures to the left were taken back in 2007. While I have always been a very bubbly and smiley person, behind the smile it was a very different story. I was suffering from debilitating depression, anxiety and panic attacks I hardly left the house and I had just lost my job. I had bad knees and struggled to exercise and even tie my own shoe laces.  My blood sugar spikes and lows gave me chronic lightheadedness all the time, I had daily headaches that would sometimes result in migraines. 

There was this one day when I hit rock bottom and the reflection I finally saw staring back at me changed everything. Call it a life changing moment, an epiphany, a moment of clarity, the state of denial I'd been living in came to light!

I realised I had to choose between a life of physical and mentally daily struggles where I had become the person feeling sorry for myself everyday or was I going to make changes that felt extremely overwhelming and impossible but I knew would change my life.  At the time the latter felt like the hardest thing in the world and unabtainable but I just put one foot in front of the other and begun, with the support of my amazing husband and family I worked my butt off everyday and as the physical changes started happening it was like peeling an onion, I found the core person that I had always been, I had hidden myself away with all those layers.

Five years on and I still cannot believe that I am where I am today.  I no longer suffer the debilitating depression, anxiety and panic attacks I once did, while I certainly still have my struggles and days that feel harder than others my life is no longer a pity party and I have a huge amount of gratitude.  I run my own successful sewing business that I started by myself and worked hard at, I am thankful for it everyday.  I can exercise freely with no knee pain and I don't have to constantly eat every couple of hours to stabilise my blood sugar, I am happier, I am healthier and I have a completely different outlook on life, suffice to say I am a different person but my spirit always remained the same. This journey has taught me so much about myself and while I love the physical transformation I am truly thankful that I found myself again.


  1. I have been reading through your blog, and love your journey! I was wondering how did you find out about primal? was it the first thing your tried or did you struggle with other fad diets before finding out about primal living?

    1. Hi Anissa, I found out about Primal through it is an invaluable resource worth checking out, it's one of the top health blogs in the world. I struggled with all sorts of diets before I found primal, primal was the first thing that suited my personality and made sense :)

  2. I love those comparison shots Michelle, especially the second ones. I love how you help so many as well - it is a hard journey to start on and of course, everyone thinks this is a fad. It is important for people like you (and me to a lesser extent) to keep showing people that it can be done long term! Well done.

    1. Thank you so much Lynda! It is a hard journey to start on and trying to debunk the fact it's a fad is the most challenging aspect of living this lifestyle. You do an amazing job reaching people with your blog. My FB page has taken on a life of it's own lol but it kind of feels like my baby and I love being able to inspire and motivate others. I guess I reach more young people because of my age which is a good thing, helping all sorts of people take control of their health is a huge reward. Thank you for all that you do too! We need as many people as we can get to spread the word!

  3. Hi...found you from Lynda! GREAT job, and always wonderful to find another Primal pal!

    1. Hi Gwen, so pleased you dropped by! How did I miss your blog, it's fantastic!!! You've done incredibly well, I'll put your blog on my share list :) x

  4. I love to hear stories like this.. You have overcome a lot. .Anxiety and depression can absolutely take their toll.. Great to see that you found your footing!

    1. Thank you Jefferson, it sure does and thankful I have found my footing! Sorry for the late reply, I only just spotted your comment now! :D


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