have a couple of recent pics of my food and one of me with my braces, yep
looking like a teenager! So since I can't chew big consumptions of meat because
of these braces I've been trying other things apart from soup. The other night
I had 2 pieces of fresh Snapper and a dozen scallops all fried in butter and topped
with homemade hollandaise, it was pure heaven as I hadn't eaten something I
could sink my teeth into for 2 weeks! Then I ventured into mince and cooked
myself some Nachos without the chips, just so damn good and surprisingly almost
as good as without the corn chips! I'm told that after a month you can chew
much easier again and boy am I hanging out for that :)
next month the indulgent Christmas and New Years season is upon us and it's
inevitable I'm going to cave, however I'm going to do my very best to not pick
up an ice cream habit while I'm away and continue to stay as primal as
possible, the indulging I do always comes with a price of weight gain and it
takes some serious discipline to get those added kilos off again, so I thought
I would give you guys a few tips to help you all keep the indulgences to a
minimum over this season:
Don’t beat yourself up!
Chances are you are not
going to be a primal purist, not many of us are and all of the strict primal
eaters I know of do fail once in a while, it’s completely normal and nothing to
feel guilty of, we live in a world full of indulgence non primal food and there
are always going to be situations where you want to have something that’s not
on your primal to do list. If you end up caving and having it don’t feel bad
about it, the negative reaction will be worse for you than the added calories
you’ve just ingested, move on and try again, we can’t all be perfect.
Plan ahead!
Try and plan your meals,
it’s a sure fire way to stay on track, allow yourself a few treats and stick
with it. Winging it isn’t for everyone and you will feel better for knowing at
the end of the day you stuck with it. Rotate your tried and true recipes and
always make some primal treats to have for when you are feeling vunerable, especially
when you are going to a potluck dinner, take along something that everyone will
enjoy, there are tons of primal recipes out there so get googling!
Just because it’s free!
I’m terrible with this one
and especially if you are having financial struggles this one is for you, we
all go to Christmas events or a friend’s house and they have the spread of a
lifetime and once more it’s free delicious food right?! We somehow justify it
to ourselves that these are free calories and that stuffing our face full of
crap won’t really matter, but it will make it that much harder to get back on
track! Enjoy the small portions of the delicious treats and carry on with your
primal eats, you’ll thank yourself in the long run.
Be happy and merry!
Enjoy your life now, yes
losing weight does increase your happiness somewhat but waiting to live life
until you’ve just dropped that little bit of extra weight isn’t going to help
you with that goal. Be happy, be grateful for all the wonderful things in your
life, we all have imperfections and that’s what makes us so loveable. We are
meant to fail, enjoy junkfood and make mistakes, we are all human remember!
Thank you to all my
faithful readers and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Years,
may 2012 be a grokin year!!
If you have any tips you'd like to add or just want
to wish me a merry christmas please feel free to comment!